Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kenapa air?

Ada orang bertanya kenapa air menjadi pilihan bagi bantuan kerajaan negeri Selangor.....hmmmm...adakah kerana ia paling murah untuk disubsidikan kepada rakyat....huhuhu... Kenapa tak bil letrik ke or minyak ke atau pun elaun dalam bentuk wang tunai....?

So what do you guess? Hmmmm...about this issue I think we should be very thankful eventhough the value is not high as the price of petrol but think deeply before you say.

This is my opinion... They choose water because water is the basic needs for all living things especially people like us including flora n fauna n also microrganism. Walaupun nilai dari segi wang ringgit amatlah rendah berbanding bil letrik, telephone, internet dan sebagainya, keperluan air amatlah dirasai dan perlu dimiliki tanpa mengira darjat, keturunan dan bangsa. Oleh itu air merupakan pilihan yang paling tepat untuk disalurkan sebagai bantuan asas kerajaan kepada rakyatnya. Biarpun ianya percuma untuk RM6.00 yang pertama bagi penggunaan domestik tapi itu adalah sangat adil kepada semua pihak supaya pemberian itu tidak disalahgunakan atau untuk mengaut keuntungan bagi sesetengah pihak. Maklumlah kadang-kadang manusia ni lupa diri....biasanya dapat barang free dia buat meniaga pulak... Macam subsidi baja atau minyak.... Orang kita ni kan suka berniaga tanpa keluar modal....untung nak segera aje...

Kita pernah kekurangan air pada satu masa dahulu dan betapa peritnya kita terpaksa menunggu bekalan air dari lori tangki yang disediakan.... Tak pun tunggu jelah bulan puasa yang akan menjelang tak lama lagi... betapa air yang akan menjadi rebutan setiap kali berbuka puasa nanti... Betapa besarnya pengaruh air dalam kehidupan kita. Budak darjah 2 pun ada belajar pasal basic needs of living things....Moral of the story, tak perlulah kita mempertikaikan kenapa air menjadi pilihan kerajaan Selangor untuk jadi barang subsidi. Kita (penduduk negeri Selangor je) sebagai orang yang menerima hendaklah bersyukur dengan apa yang kita perolehi.

"Tangan di atas adalah lebih baik dari tangan di bawah, tetapi tangan di bawah juga adalah lebih baik dari tak ada tangan langsung......" Renung-renungkanlah...

Sekali lagi ucapan terima kasih kepada kerajaan negeri Selangor yang sangat memahami keperluan asas rakyatnya. Semoga kerajaan Selangor akan sentiasa peka terhadap keperluan rakyatnya....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Antara percuma dan berbayar

Seronok duduk kat Selangor, dapat air free... tapi bukanlah 100% free. Biasanya bil air at my place will be around RM6 plus but last month I no need to pay as my bill is only not even 5cents if round off the number. Thank you kerajaan Selangor yg amat prihatin keperluan rakyat jelatanya. Eventhough its not much at least its help so many people here. As my mum in Malacca , her water bill monthly average above RM20 and if festive season can reach until RM50 plus. It bcoz everybody came home n my mother's house will turn to be a laundry shop.....hehehehe....thats why.

But hopefully, when we get something free we should appreciate of what we have and try not to waste. Biasalah....biasanya barang percuma kita tak berapa nak heran sangat...lantak pi...lah...bukan kena bayo pon....sound familiar is it... Hmmm.... nasib baiklah air tu percuma cuma RM6 pertama sahaja... kalau tak memang boleh bankrap nanti kerajaan Selangor. Agak-agaknya nanti kalau musim kemarau and source of water become limited ...apa akan jadi ye? Thats why from now on we cannot wasting water....langkah berjaga-jaga kena ambil kira ni.

Talking about free things....memang seronok kan dapat barang free, tak kiralah barang apa pun tapi rasa seronoknya sekejap je masa dapat sebab biasanya benda macam ni macam tak lasting sebab tak berkat kot.... Actually bukan soal berkat atau tidak. Tetapi ianya lebih kepada kepuasan. Kalau beli pakai duit sendiri dah tentu barang tu kita jaga dengan baik ataupun kita gunakan sejimat yang boleh sebab tak nak cepat habis.

Sebab tu kita tak boleh selalu nak amalkan dapat barang semuanya free nanti kita akan jadi terlebih manja dan sikap membazir serta tidak tahu menghargai atau menilai sesuatu benda. Sedangkan kita kalau dapat biasiswa or pinjaman untuk belajar pun kita tak pandai gunakan pada saluran yang betul asyik habis kat handphone baru, buat rambut, tengok wayang dan benda-benda yang sewaktu dengannya. Benda-benda macam tu sanggup keluar duit tapi buku rujukan sangup pinjam atau pun photocopy aje. Sadisnya. Begitu juga bab makan . Makan pun mewah, KFC lah, Pizza Hut lah , Mc Donald lah bukannya sekali seminggu tapi tiap-tiap hari walaupun sesetengah kolej dah disediakan makan kat dewan dan bayaran termasuk dalam yuran kolej. Patutlah masyarakat Malaysia sekarang dah semakin obes, otak pun dah makin tumpul sebab thinking skill tu dah kurang sebab asyik makan makanan segera menyebabkan kalau nak fikir pun main segera juga.

Itulah akibatnya kalau kita asyik di manjakan dan diberi keistimewaan kerana keistimewaan itu adakalanya memberi kemusnahan pada diri sendiri jika tidak dijaga dengan betul...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Yang Mana Satu....???

Lately, news that appear in newspaper is about hak orang melayu especially UITM..... Not to offend anyone but seems I was not sure and always ask myself....malay is a bumiputera and so do native races in Malaysia. but how about chinese or indian who convert to Muslim? Are they also recognised as Melayu or bumiputera? Are they entitled for the benefit for bumiputera also...? And as I understand what ever religious that we choose to believe we will never and ever being ourselves to become Malay or Chinese and so do Indian. It still remain what race are we eventhough we convert to other religous....am I right? Previously, I was working at local bank and found that when non bumi was converted to be Muslim, they are eligibled to invest in ASB and ASN. And for all these years, nobody care about that and nobody talk either about that? Somestimes I wonder that maybe people got confused either to protect their rights as a Malay or a Muslim.. As far as I'm aware (eventhough my knowledge in Islam is not really good) in Islam they never teach to discriminise among races and colour of your skin. If you are a muslim its always will be the same either you black or white or colourful if any. I'm not talking about converting to be Muslim because of marrying Malays.
Seems like to protect Muslims' rights is more practical rather than Malays' right. That is my own opinion. Because nowdays is hard to find people who genuinely Malay.

Talking about UITM, I think (if I'm not be mistaken) previously government already allocated 10% (sorry if I'm wrong) for non bumiputera to enter UITM as well as Matriks. Even UNITAR also has open for bumiputera. I'm not in anyone side but through my experience, studying with mix races we will gain more benefit rather that only one race. Even in my group assignment last time, I would prefer to combine my group with Malay, Chinese and Indian. I found the result is really amazing as the chinese aim is to score an A for every task that we are given. So we really working hard to achive that. Alot of argument and obstacle to complete the task but actually it was interesting. Rather than when I join a Malay group to do assignment their attitude is really different. They tend to easily satisfied of what they are doing or "tangkap muat" and their aim is "janji lulus". I hate to do my assignment like that. I feel like its not worth it as you pay the fee so expensive and only hope to get "C". And I was so greatful to have 5As in all my five paper in final semester after I struggled so many things. It is not an easy job but its satisfied me alot.

Besides that I feel strange when government always says that we should united as Malaysian and not "bersikap perkauman".... It makes me confused..... So what is the purpose of UMNO...is it to make sure the pepatah "Takkan Hilang Melayu di Dunia" will not extinct? But sad to say, Malay people itself has forgotten their own tradition.

I really teruja of what Nik Aziz (MB Kelantan) says to Pak Lah to demolish UMNO and PAS and to create another party that really protects the rights of Muslim. I think that is fantastic idea because if you really practising Islam in your life you will agree with this idea. And dont be surprised not every Malay is Muslim and the law of God is much much much better and complete for everything rather than hukum manusia that always be altered from time to time. And isnt that Malaysia is recognised as Negara Islam and also Islam is agama rasmi Malaysia? So...can you see that...?

I really hope by this Nik Aziz idea will mengharmonikan lagi our country from being rakyatnya lebih bertamadun. So guys...whats your opinion?